Kamis, 22 November 2012

Building Unity Farm - Thanksgiving on the Farm

Today was our first Thanksgiving at Unity Farm.   Although I've discussed the farm in detail, I've not described the home.   We live at the farm in a house adjacent to the pasture.   My father-in-law lives in the in-law wing, we live in the first floor. and our daughter has an area on the second floor.

The entire family selected vegetables from the farm and surrounding farms, then spent the day peeling, chopping, and preparing a vegan feast.  Just about everything but the Tofurkey was grown on the farm or within a mile of it.  We had

Tofurky with roasted potatoes and carrots
Celery and chestnut stuffing
Mashed potatoes
Green beans
Brussells sprouts
Sweet potatoes

A remarkable meal.

During dinner 30 turkeys dropped by the farm for a visit and roosted in the trees above our alpacas.   It's clear to me that the best place for a turkey on Thanksgiving is a vegan/vegetarian farm!

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